Lazy Loading in C# (and not only)

Posted by Stoian Dan on September 16, 2024 in Dev tagged with Development


Lazy loading is a technique used to delay the execution of code for later on. There are a couple of reasons as to why you’d want to do that, and we’ll enumerate some:

  • Speed – the best code, is also the fastest code, the most secure and most maintainable… namely no code at all. However, for obvious reasons, we do need at times to write code, but while we can’t avoid writing it, we could delay or even, possibly, completely avoid executing it.
  • Memory footprint – RAM is still important, avoiding loading a heavy object in memory does not just result in increased speed, but also in a more efficient system, memory-wise.


While the theory sounds great, there still remains the question of how do you actually avoid calling code? While there are a couple of ways to do that, I’d like to focus on two of them:


First, when it comes the the singleton pattern, objects (if we’re talking in an OOP context, but this goes for other paradigms as well) are often statically allocated. This affects us even more, as static code, often get initialized early on. For example in .NET Framework static fields get initialized before the constructor of the class is called. This is also the case for other platforms, like Java. Here an if check is usually employed for lazy loading:

   class Singleton 
      private static Singleton _instance = null; // redundant, for explicity
      private Singleton { ... }
      public Singleton Instance()
          if (Singleton._instance == null)
             _instance = new Singleton();
          return _instance;

In the above example ☝️ we can see how an if statement is used to check if our singleton has ever been instantiated before, if so, we just return that instance. However, if this is the first time, we create a first instance. This saves us some time and memory, because we might not get to use the class at all (depending on the use case) or we might just delay the execution.

Notice, the more moder .NET platform actually uses lazy loading by default. Static fields only get initialized before being used, and so, .NET does this for us, as opposed to the older .NET Framework.

Instance fields

The more interesting and common use case is when we’d like to delay the initialization of an instance field. For this, both frameworks (.NET and .NET Framework) come with build-in support, namely: Lazy<T>, a generic class which can wrap objects of any type and delay their initialization. We’ll explore a simple implementation of such an idea, and see how we can achieve this in pretty much any programming language.

Frist imagine the scenario of two classes:

public class Foo { ... }


public class Bar { ... }

with a composition relationship of type:

public class Foo 
   Bar bar = new();

Our goal is to delay the initialization of the field bar in any Foo instance.

From the get go, our solution needs to address any possible type, not just Bar. This is why generics are needed. So our solution begins to look as such:

   public class Lazy<T> {  }

Second, we’d need to know all about how exactly to create this bar object, and yet, delay the process… This sounds like a producer – a method that produces such and object, encorporates the how – and a callback (lambda or higher-order function), a method passed as argument, to be called when needed. This is exactly what we need! In .NET the Func<T> type holds a method (or function for you functional programmers) that takes no parameters and returns a TFunc comes in a buch of variations that also take arguments, the last one always representing the return value, such as Func<T,TResult>, Func<T,T,TResult> and so on.

We can use is as such:

   public class Lazy<T> 
        private Func<T> _generator;
        public Lazy(Func<T> generator) => _generator = generator;

        public T Load() => this._generator();

All that we’re providing to the constructor of the Lazy class is a function, that describes how to return a T, and whenever we want to actually return that T, we just call Load.

Let’s see this in action:

public class Foo 
   // old code: Bar bar = new();
   Lazy<Bar> bar_lazy = new Lazy<Bar>(() => new());

This looks great! Now, whenever we want our instance, we can just call Load on bar_lazy, but the beauty of warping things in a function is that, even if our Bar constructor required parameters, this would be fixed with just a small adjustment:

public class Foo 
    //ctor injection, provide `lazy_bar` as a dependency
    Foo(Lazy<Bar> lazy_bar)
// calling code
lazy_bar = new Lazy<Bar> (() => new Bar(name, age, other_param))
new Foo(lazy_bar);

It’s true that now we can’t really do an in-line initialization, but that would have been true even without our static wrapper, unless, of-course, we use static variables.