A new edition of The CTO Corner Readinglist - My weekly column formerly known as ‘Open Tabs’ with links and commentary on my open browser tabs.
- JSON Feed, a format similar to RSS and Atom but in JSON
- Resource Query Language (RQL) is a query language designed for use in URIs with object-style data structures and github.com/persvr/rql
- AsyncAPI specification
- API Mediation: Why You Need an API Experience Layer
- Apicurio - Open Source API Design Studio
- Create a GraphQL HTTP server with Express.
- RESTful API Design Tips from Experience
- WebSub - previously known as PubSubHubbub -is W3C Candidate
- Push API - W3C Working Draft 08 May 2017
- Webextensions 101
- You might not need GraphQL
- A toolbox of OpenAPI-driven solutions
- API Discovery Solution for Microservice Architectures
- Simulate APIs and Backend Server with New Postman Mock Server Feature
- APIs.io: An API Search Engine
- On APIs and the Zalando API Guild
- The End of API Documentation As We Know It
- 7 Tips for Designing a Better REST API
- Backends for Frontends at Spotify
- API Evangelism and API Advocacy: Is There A Difference?
- Blockchain Will Transform Customer Loyalty Programs
- Spotify acquires blockchain startup Mediachain to solve music’s attribution problem
- Blockchain and Real Estate
- Do you need a Blockchain
- Learn about building Serverless Bots on AWS using Amazon Lex and Create a customer service chatbot to communicate via their Facebook page and Slack channel.
- React Simple Chatbot - A simple react chatbot component
- LexisNexis Case Study on moving to AWS
- The AdStage Migration From Heroku To AWS
- Linkerd 1.0, a Communications Service Mesh for Cloud-Native Apps
- Amir Alsbih Podcast: Raul Firu (@raulfiru) from @HaufeDev will talk about cultural aspects in transformation of legacy IT
- The ORY Editor - A content editor written in React
- CaaS: Content as a Service
- Betteridge’s law of headlines
- Kubernetes:
- $15 Production Kubernetes Cluster on DigitalOcean
- Kompose - a tool to move from
to Kubernetes - minikube - run Kubernetes locally
- draft - create cloud-native applications on Kubernetes
- Take the Kubernetes API for a Spin and Kubernetes API Overview
- 70% cheaper Kubernetes cluster on AWS
- Istio: an open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices
- Forge - Fast build/deploy system for Kubernetes services
- Prometheus And Kubernetes: Monitoring Your Applications
- Kubernetes Sets the Stage for Container-Native Storage
- Security Best Practices for Kubernetes Deployment
- Cloud Native Computing Foundation
- Docker:
- Builder pattern vs. Multi-stage builds in Docker
- Introducing linuxkit - Building lean, secure and portable linux subsystems
- Serverless by use-case: Alexa skill for Dockercon
- Node.js Docker “Good Defaults”: A Best Practice Template for Node In A Container
- How to make your Docker images secrets enabled
- Developing a Spring Boot app on Docker
- Docker assembly powered by Moby
- Container & DevSecOps Digest
- Convoy - A Docker volume plugin, managing persistent container volumes
- Docker Secrets in action: Github integration
- Functions as a Service - a serverless framework for Docker
- Meet Alpine Linux, Docker’s Distribution of Choice for Containers
- Create lean Node.js image with Docker multi-stage build
- Getting Started with LinuxKit on Mac OS X with xhyve
- The Cost of a Meeting: Is the Daily Stand-Up Worth It?
- We Do These Things Not Because They Are Easy But Because They Are Hard
- Tools as a catalyst for culture change
- Managing organisations - Reflecting on David Garvin’s Imprint on Management
- Agile and the Remote Worker
- Code as a Craft - The Etsy Way
- Agile Team Organisation at Spotify: Squads, Chapters, Tribes and Guilds
- 18F Handbook - The employee guide of the digital transformation team of the US Gov
- Amazon’s “two-pizza teams”: The ultimate divisional organization
- Jeff Bezoz Amazon Shareholder Letter 2017 on culture of innovation
- Culture of Innovation - Thinking backwards with Amazon
- 10 Lessons from 10 Years of Amazon Web Services
- THE DOJO - Target’s unique approach to building new technology muscles more quickly
- 5 Lessons from Building our Company Culture at Skillshare - Design your culture like you design your product.
- Five Lessons from Scaling Pinterest
- How the Klout score is really calculated
- In Defense of Simplicity, A Data Visualization Journey
- Apache Kafka + Spark + Database = Real-Time Trinity
- New Blog Series: Spark – The Pragmatic Bits
- Modeling Spelling Correction for Search at Etsy
- Pivio - Platform documentation in your source code
- Painting with Code - Introducing our new open source library React Sketch.app.
- A dashboard for the terminal, for use with riemann and/or elasticsearch.
- Git Town adds a layer of high-level commands to Git
- NeDB - The JavaScript Database, for Node.js, nw.js, electron and the browser
- Clojure and ClojureScript game tutorial
- Another 68 Things Every Programmer Should Know
- Gitorials - Tutorials as Git Repos, The best programming tutorial is a real project
- Continuous Delivery with Containers: The Trials and Tribulations
- How teams build and operate software systems at scale, one issue at a time - industry best practices around on-call and incident response
- The Secret Of DevOps: It’s Always Been About People, Not Technology
- The three ways - the principles underpinning DevOps
- No SSH Here: Ticketmaster’s Fervent Take on Containerization, Integration, and Change
Emerging Technology
- Serverless Architecture: Five Design Patterns
- Building a Progressive WebApp
- Your First Meteor Application — a free, online book about the Meteor JavaScript framework
- Thoughtworks TECHNOLOGY RADAR VOL.16
- With new realities to build, Unity positioned to become tech giant
- Web-based multiplayer strategy games and economics experiments to measure trust
- AWS Lambda for the Lazy
Frontend, Mobile, Desktop
- How Four Native Developers Wrote An Electron App and the counter argument Electron is flash for the desktop
- Jasonette - Make iOS and Android apps with just a single JSON, loaded over HTTP
- How we built Twitter Lite, a Progressive Web App
- Angular - Closure Compiler vs Rollup vs Webpack
- Prettier - A JavaScript formatter that works by compiling your code to an AST, and then pretty-printing the AST
- Druid - Column oriented distributed data store ideal for powering interactive applications
- Element, a Vue 2.0 based component library for developers, designers and product managers
- How to Build a Serverless, SEO-Friendly React Blog
- The Business Case for Progressive Web Apps and pwa.rocks
- Theory of Constraints 102: The Illusion of Local Optima
- The next-generation operating model for the digital world
- Import 3D models and exchange schematics to produce amazing Minecraft creations
- Live stream to YouTube with your Raspberry Pi and Docker
- JKCEMU - Kleincomputer-Emulator (sorry, German only)
- ComputerCraft - Programmable Computers for Minecraft and github.com/dan200/ComputerCraft
- Munich Maker Faire: Amazing Steampunk Art
- Munich Maker Faire: Mein erster Roboter
- Designing a system of Microservices
- On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules
- What’s a service mesh? And why do I need one?
- Rule of Twos and Microservice Architecture - Lessons Learned in Avoiding Dependency Lock-Ins
- Avoiding Monolithic Regret
- Continous Architecture
- Fault Domains and the Vegas Rule
- The hardest part of microservices: your data
- The Hardest Part of Microservices: Calling Your Services
- Jaeger - OpenTracing compatible distributed tracing system and opentracing.io and Zipkin as a distributed tracing system
- NodeBootstrap - Skeleton project for Node/Express.js with pre-configured best-practices and nodebootstrap.io
- Microservice Architecture and Pattern Sourcebook
- Why Use a Container Sidecar for Microservices? and Netflix Prana - A Sidecar for your Netflix PaaS based Applications and Services and Spring Cloud Netflix providing Netflix OSS integrations for Spring Boot apps
- Event Collaboration - Components work together by communicating through events when their internal state changes
- Event-sourced game implementation example and CQRS: Sagas with Event Sourcing
Product & Marketing
- Experimentation Hub - The definitive A/B testing resource
- Pivotal Design Process
- Applying systems thinking in product design
- Using data for product development by Steven Sinofsky (Andreessen Horowitz)
- Google’s HEART Framework for Measuring #UX
- Secure Production Identity Framework For Everyone
- Using JWTs and OAuth2 to Secure APIs and Microservices
- Kryptonite Mobile App - A new home for your SSH private key
- Cilium - Linux Native HTTP-Aware Network Security
- Web Developer Security Checklist
Business Strategy
This should cover it to catch up with more recent reads. See you again for the next edition.